Blog Archives

Fourth Circuit Invalidates Decision in Endangered Species Act Case, Further Delaying MVP

Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit invalidated the biological opinion and incidental take statement issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act for the Mountain Valley Pipeline. The Court’s decision means that construction should not move forward along the 304-mile pipeline route.


To Stop an American Extinction Crisis, the Southeast Must Pivot Away From Fossil Fuels

Big Sandy Crayfish

One of the worst chapters of the global extinction crisis is playing out in America’s Southeast, a region that rivals the rainforests with its staggering array of aquatic biodiversity.


Saving Appalachian Species

The Endangered Species Act plays a crucial role in protecting our region’s wealth of biodiversity — but this bedrock environmental law is under attack.


Get to Know Appalachia’s Vulnerable Species

Roanoke Logperch; Indiana Bat; Bog Turtle; Small-whorled Pogonia

We spotlight eight of our region’s at-risk species.


Running Buffalo Clover Could be Removed from Endangered Species List

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed removing the running buffalo clover from the endangered species list in August. The plant was previously thought to be extinct for more than 40 years before its rediscovery in 1983.


Trump Administration Charged with Weakening Endangered Species Protections to Favor Coal

Environmental groups plan to sue federal and state agencies for allegedly conspiring to weaken endangered species protections in West Virginia.


Agency Says Hellbenders Not Endangered

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decided not to list the Eastern Hellbender salamander as endangered, prompting protest from conservation groups.


Endangered Species Act Threatened

New guidelines from the Trump Administration alongside a congressional package of nine bills would bring massive changes to the Endangered Species Act.


House Version of Farm Bill Guts Environmental Protections

The U.S. House of Representative’s version of the 2018 Omnibus Farm Bill would roll back protections for endangered species, water and public lands.


Endangered Species Act Faces Threats

The Endangered Species Act, which protects endangered and threatened species of plants and animals, is under threat from members of the U.S. Congress hoping to limit its reach.


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