Thousands call on Gov. Northam to protect Virginia waters from fracked-gas pipelines

Richmond, Va. — Citizens representing Virginia landowners, the faith community, scientists, people of color, water protectors and clean energy advocates today called on Governor Ralph Northam to protect Virginia’s waters by taking immediate action on the proposed Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines. The action comes the morning after Virginia’s Department of Environmental Quality approved…

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Standing up to the utility giants

In a testament to the power that Dominion Energy, Virginia’s largest corporate political campaign donor, is accustomed to wielding, the state has earned a dubious distinction: “One of the top state regulatory environments for utilities in the U.S.,” according to Goldman Sachs. The key phrase here is “for utilities.” But what’s best for these companies’…

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Va. bill on electric rates a bad deal for consumers

CONTACT: Cat McCue, Communications Director,, 434-293-6373 The Virginia Senate Commerce and Labor Committee is considerng legislation this afternoon regarding the proposed repeal of the 2015 “rate freeze” for electric utilities and overhauling the process for establishing customer rates going forward. The State Corporation Commission and Virginia Attorney General’s office — both charged with ensuring…

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Controversy in Va. mounts as Dominion bill nears a vote

Dominion Energy is at it again, using its political influence to push legislation that would weaken regulatory oversight and boost profits at the expense of its Virginia customers. But this time something is different. The corporate giant is being met with significant opposition.

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FERC faces another legal challenge over Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Charlottesville, VA— The Southern Environmental Law Center and Appalachian Mountain Advocates filed a challenge in federal court on behalf of 11 conservation groups, including Appalachian Voices, challenging the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s decision to permit the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. “FERC demonstrated in its split decision to approve the pipeline that there is lingering doubt about…

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Appalachian Voices slams N.C. approval of Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Despite vigorous opposition from thousands of citizens across the state to the controversial, interstate fracked-gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Gov. Roy Cooper announced today that the state has approved a water quality permit for the roughly 160-mile section of the project that would cut through North Carolina. The massive pipeline would run through eight rural eastern…

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Coalition sues Va. water board over Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Richmond, VA –A coalition of community and conservation groups, including Appalachian Voices, late yesterday filed a legal challenge in federal court of the Virginia State Water Control Board’s approval in December of a water quality certification for the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline. While the board’s decision postponed the effectiveness of the certification pending completion of…

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