Fossil fuels in Virginia

In a letter to the editor of the New York Times, Appalachian Voices’ Executive Director Tom Cormons says the 2019 election for state legislative offices is a clear mandate for energy utility reform in Virginia.

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Va regulators warns of higher bills wtih Dominion’s latest plan

The State Corporation Commission today issued a press release stating that it has approved Dominion Energy’s long-range plan, which it had previously rejected and asked the utility to revise. The SCC held that the new “Integrated Resource Plan” met the minimum legal requirements, but warned that it would significantly increase customer’s monthly bills, writing: “We…

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New coalition launches to reform Virginia energy policy

MEDIA CONTACTS Cat McCue, 434-293-6373, Cassady Craighill, 828-817-3328, Peter Vicenzi, (202) 942-7621, Richmond – Nine organizations representing a wide range of public policy ideologies introduced the Virginia Energy Reform Coalition today, an unprecedented coalition united to reform Virginia’s energy market. Speaking from Richmond, coalition representatives announced their policy goals including implementing performance-based…

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