Posts Tagged ‘Congress’
Kentucky Congressman John Yarmuth Joins Influential Energy and Commerce Committee
Kentucky Congressman John Yarmuth joined the powerful House Committee on Energy and Commerce this week, putting him in the middle of debates concerning environmental and energy policy. The committee will also oversee the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Yarmuth voted for Obamacare, and has been its lone defender in Kentucky’s federal delegation. Yarmuth is…
Read MoreThe 5 Worst Political Lies in Support of Mountaintop Removal
Part 4 in a 5 part series Lie 4: More mountaintop removal coal mining will provide much needed flat, reclaimed land for economic development. Central Appalachia has been mired in a mono-economy for the greater part of a century. In many counties, coal mining has been the only source of good paying jobs. Mining jobs…
Read MoreThe 5 Worst Political Lies in Support of Mountaintop Removal
Part 3 in a 5 part series 3. A candidate opposed to mountaintop removal cannot win a U.S. Senate race in Kentucky or West Virginia. Despite what political supporters of the coal industry would have us believe, a candidate opposed to mountaintop removal coal mining can, and likely will, represent Kentucky or West Virginia in…
Read MoreThe 5 Worst Political Lies in Support of Mountaintop Removal
Part 2 in a 5 part series LIE 2: ECONOMY Proponents of mountaintop removal mining use a very simple and straightforward logic to justify the practice: jobs are good for the economy, and mountaintop removal mining provides jobs, therefore mountaintop removal mining is good for the economy. The argument is logical, but only if you…
Read MoreHow Far Can Touting “Sustainable Coal” Get You?
A few weeks ago, we heard of a new coal lobbying group (I know, just the thing the world needs) that aims to support something we have not heard of, something called “sustainable coal.” Formed by current and former Democratic members of the U.S House of Representatives, along with several coal lobbyists, CoalBlue aims to…
Read MoreThe 5 Worst Political Lies in Support of Mountaintop Removal
Part 1 in a 5 part series LIE 1: BALANCE After spending a month back in their home states, Congress is back in session. Between the budget, the debt ceiling, Syria, energy efficiency bills, and the farm bill, they have plenty of work to do in a short period of time but rest assured the…
Read MoreEnergy Efficiency’s Role in Growing Rural Economies
Over the summer we watched closely and shared our take on the importance of energy programs in the 2013 Farm Bill. You may remember that the Senate ultimately passed a version that included budget cuts but was in line with previous bills and budget constraints. Not one to be outdone, the House went on to…
Read MoreAppalachia’s Environmental Vote Tracker: Aug/Sept 2013 issue
See how Appalachia’s congressional delegation voted on environmental issues.
Read MoreTenn. Tuesday – Compromise is Not a Condition
We’ll kick off this Tennessee Tuesday post with what seemed like a small story in the big world of Tennessee politics. Last week, the New York Times editorial page blog offered some extra thoughts on a Tea Party letter to Tenn. Senator Lamar Alexander, in which the Tea Party compelled Alexander to retire from office…
Read MoreTenn. Tuesday – A Bright Day, Welcoming The Newest Tennessean
Appalachian Voices’ resident Tennessean, and a proud one at that, is celebrating the birth of his second daughter, who for at least a little while yesterday morning was the newest resident of the great state of Tennessee. Congratulations JW, Elizabeth and Emma, we know Isla James will be as proud of her home as y’all…
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