Blog Archives

From the Rockies to Appalachia: Virginia can look to Colorado for electric co-op reform

rural power line

Undemocratic governance at Virginia’s electric cooperatives is a serious issue that has left co-op members across the state frustrated and ready for reform. Closed-door board meetings and unfair voting practices are two of the issues members hope to change in 2022.


Come See Us in Durham!

Appalachian Voices is setting up shop in the North Carolina Triangle to better advance our region’s interests in the state legislature.


Pay-What-You-Can Cafes

man holding food

Appalachia’s donation-based cafes offer delicious, healthy food to diners and volunteers regardless of their ability to pay.


At What Cost?

Concerns about Duke’s toxic coal ash have prompted Annie Brown and dozens of other community members to meet regularly since July 2013 to discuss how to get it out of their neighborhood once and for all. The group, which calls itself “Residents for Coal Ash Cleanup,” has recently grown in size, becoming more outspoken and more certain of their demands.


Volunteering in Tennessee

Birdhouse An open space in Knoxville for sharing art, music and educational programs, Birdhouse functions as a venue for voices otherwise not given much space in the community. This multi-faceted building serves as a community center for do-it-yourself workshops, gardening,


A Sustainable Habitat

By Sarah Kellogg Nestled in a mountain forest of oaks, poplars and rhododendron, a neighborhood of charming houses sits lightly on the land. These are the energy efficient homes of the GreenWood Community, a project of the Watauga County Habitat


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