Solidarity in the Tar Heel State

naacp-amyThe communities near Duke Energy’s Belews Creek power plant and coal-ash dump in North Carolina have suffered a long time from water pollution. Now the state is poised to allow the natural gas industry to drill fracking wells nearby. Citizens are saying “enough.” The NAACP announced a civil rights investigation at a recent press conference and took its protest to the state capitol at a “Moral Monday” rally. Appalachian Voices is standing in solidarity with these champions for environmental justice.

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Many roads lead to clean energy

NAACP_solar.jpgUtilities are cranking more and more electricity onto the grid on extremely cold or hot days — but too much of that ends up leaking out windows and doors in lower-income housing. As the NAACP points out, energy efficiency and other distributed energy sources are safer, healthier, and more equitable ways of providing electricity, and they have the added bonus of bringing much needed economic opportunity to communities of color.

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Historical Hidden Treasures of Virginia

By Rachel Ellen Simon Hidden Treasures RELATED STORIES North Carolina Virginia Tennessee West Virginia Kentucky Pocahontas Exhibition Coal Mine Most may know it as the title of a lullaby, but “Baby Mine” is also the name of the first mine to open in the Pocahontas coalfield in 1883. During the mine’s 73 years of operation,…

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