
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia


Re-envisioning public power in the Tennessee Valley

The 2019 Tennessee Valley Energy Democracy Tour is a listening project to begin building a grassroots vision for our energy future by asking communities impacted by the Tennessee Valley Authority what they want.

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North Carolina shows up strong against fracked-gas projects

North Carolinians are turning out strong to stand for environmental justice and water quality and to stop unneeded fracked-gas projects.

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three people

Major win for N.C. clean energy advocates

Appalachian Voices was among the many organizations voicing public opposition in North Carolina to a rate-hike bill despite Duke Energy’s money influence in the state legislature.

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people installing solar

A policymaker’s guide to fostering community solar development

Pro-solar policy is crucial to bringing clean, renewable energy to Southwest Virginia and Appalachia as a whole.

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green mountains stretch into the horizon at dusk

Protected or not? Coal company pushes for mine in protected Tennessee area

Federal regulators are considering a proposal for a new surface coal mine in Tennessee’s Cumberland Mountains, despite the fact that in 2016, the federal government declared most of the area in question off-limits to surface mining.

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