Written by Molly Moore


Molly Moore

Molly is passionate about sharing the environmental and cultural stories of our region. She has worked with Appalachian Voices since 2011 and currently serves as AV's Director of Program Communications and Editor of The Appalachian Voice publication.

Water Justice Summit attendees

Empowering Citizens at the 2018 Water Justice Summit

Water defenders and community activists from across Central…

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A Fond Farewell

Appalachian Voices would like to bid a very…

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Oil and Gas Drilling in Appalachia’s National Forests

Oil and gas reserves can be found beneath the Allegheny, Monongahela, Wayne, Daniel Boone, George Washington and Jefferson national forests. But while some forests have a high number of drilling wells, others have none or relatively few.

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Chart showing how Appalachian legislators voted on environmental legislation

Environmental Votetracker — June/July 2018 issue

Chart showing how Appalachian legislators voted on recent environmental legislation.

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Coal Company Loses Road Waiver Request in Ohio

A county judge in Ohio upheld a decision to deny a request from Oxford Mining Company, LLC, to mine coal alongside a public road.

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People in the Path of Pipelines

New pipelines transporting natural gas and gas liquids…

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Barbara Jividen

Barbara Jividen

If the Mountaineer XPress Pipeline is built, Barbara Jividen’s “little piece of paradise” by the Kanawha River could be upended.

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cleared trees

M. Beram

M. Beram’s formerly quiet neck of the woods has already been disturbed by the fracking industry. Now, the Mountaineer XPress Pipeline’s right-of-way is running several hundred feet from her home.

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Chart showing how Appalachian legislators voted

Environmental Votetracker — April/May 2018 issue

Chart displays how Appalachian House and Senate members voted regarding several environmental issues in February and March.

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hemlock hike

Fighting the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in N.C.

Measures from predatory beetles to chemical treatments are being taken to combat the invasive insect.

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