Written by Molly Moore


Molly Moore

Molly is passionate about sharing the environmental and cultural stories of our region. She has worked with Appalachian Voices since 2011 and currently serves as AV's Director of Program Communications and Editor of The Appalachian Voice publication.

Pine Mountain One Step Closer to Full Protection

The Kentucky Natural Lands Trust preserved an additional 2,050 acres on Pine Mountain, extending a project to protect a corridor of land across the 125-mile-long mountain.

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Russell Fork Makes “Most Endangered Rivers” List

The Russell Fork, which carved the gorge at the heart of Breaks Interstate Park on its path through through Virginia and Kentucky, is threatened by a proposed mountaintop removal coal mine in Dickenson County, Va.

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Environmental Summer Camps 2016

Browse our online listing of summer camp programs for all ages . The majority of these regional camps emphasize environmental sciences and sustainability, with outdoor activities including hiking, wilderness skills, field science and more.

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“Social Enterprise” Expanding in Appalachia

Social enterprises — businesses that aim to improve social problems — are increasing in Appalachia.

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Student Influences State Reptile Selection and other shorts

An 11-year-old influenced the selection of Virginia’s official state snake, 17-year cicada brood is expected in northern West Virginia and Ohio, Tennessee legislators push for wilderness designation in the Cherokee National Forest and more.

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Regional Solar Updates

North Carolina ranked second in solar growth for 2015, and a Virginia solar project is moving forward after an initial roadblock from state regulators.

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Citizens Show Strength at NC Coal Ash Hearings

Throughout the month of March, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality held a series of public hearings to gather input on cleanup of the state’s nearly 150 tons of coal ash. Our team worked with local residents to drive high attendance and call for stronger cleanup plans.

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Response to Spill Leads to Action Against Coal Polluter

Our Appalachian Water Watch team was able to document the spill of acidic water on Pine Creek as it occurred in real-time, spurring public outcry and state action against the mining company.

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Virginians Call on McAuliffe for a Bold Clean Power Plan

Virginians gathered for a Day of Action on April 2 to remind Governor McAuliffe of his commitment to cut carbon and focus on renewable energy job creation for the Commonwealth.

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Preliminary Draft Plans For Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests Published

The National Forest Service publishes the draft foundations of the Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests long-term management plans.

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