Written by Hannah Gillespie

Hannah Gillespie
Retired Southwest Virginia Couple Goes Solar
Retired couple Kathy and Gary Selvage are happy they decided to put solar panels on their Southwest Virginia home.
Elk Knob Art Trail Celebrates Nature and Creativity
A group of Appalachian State University students created a variety of artworks to display along Elk Knob State Park’s Beech Tree Trail in Todd, N.C.
Hidden Treasures #6: South Carolina
Waterfalls abound in the Andrew Pickens Ranger District of Sumter National Forest.
Hidden Treasures #6: Ohio
The Monroe Outlook, Monroe Overlook Trail and Wildcat Hollow Trail offer varying degrees of challenge in Wayne National Forest.
A Journey Through the Daniel Boone National Forest
The Daniel Boone National Forest today is the result of decades of decisions and actions — some controversial — by forest staff, government officials, environmental groups and volunteers.
Blair Mountain Returns to National Register of Historic Places
The site of West Virginia’s Blair Mountain labor conflict between coal miners and law enforcement was placed back on the National Register of Historic Places after a federal judge ruled its delisting to be unlawful.
Health Improves in Allegheny County, Pa., After Shenango Coke Plant Closes
After Shenango Coke Works closed in 2016, Allegheny County, Pa., saw a significant decrease in ER visits for breathing and heart disorders, though there is no scientifically proven connection.