Kanawah State Forest

By Joe Tennis All of a sudden, we saw a snake, lounging in the cool, rocky waters of a creek in the Kanawha State Forest. It was a little snake, about a foot long. Yet I couldn’t tell what kind it was. Neither could my hiking buddy, Justin. Was this a fake snake? Did somebody…

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To Our Leaders: Free Us.

The We Campaign presents: $427 million. That’s what the oil and coal industries spent during the first half of 2008 on lobbying and advertising. They’re protecting their interests – and hurting ours. This ad is running on TV right now, but we need millions more to see it. The special interests will outspend us, but…

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Bush to Remove Appalachian Flying Squirrel From Endangered List

President Bush, against the advice of most experts, will officially remove the “West Virginia Flying Squirrel” from the Endangered Species list today. Formally called the Virginia northern flying squirrel, but better known as the West Virginia northern flying squirrel, the subspecies is as old as the mastodons. It lives in clusters atop the highest Appalachian…

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AFL-CIO Political Chair Implies Appalachian Voters are Racist

From Harold Meyersons otherwise lame column about Obama and America’s anger problems called, Can He Be a Working-Class Hero: The unions will rely heavily on one-on-one meetings that shop stewards and local leaders hold with their members. “We’ll have to fight with our own members on this,” public employee union President Jerry McEntee, who also…

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Mountain Monday: The Life or Death of Coal River Mountain

Appalachian coal is a dead end road. With coal production declining across the Appalachian region and prices nearly tripling since 2007, economists and energy analysts are increasingly saying that Appalachian coal is the wrong investment. In Appalachia alone, we’ve seen over 1 million acres of America’s oldest mountains destroyed forever, 1200 miles of headwater streams…

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Follow the Coal Money to Your Congress-Critter

We all know that coal poisons our planet, removes our mountains, and pollutes our precious water sources. A connection that we often miss, is how big coal and fossil fuel industries have a significant hand in dirtying up American politics. Appalachian Voices and Oil Change International are proud to release a new interactive tool providing…

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Letters to the Editor

Natural Gas is Responsible Dear Appalachian Voices, With reference to your Spring 2008 Appalachian Voice on natural gas drilling – As a “clean fuel” natural gas is reasonably available in this country. Coal seam gas extraction has garnered increased attention due to its availability; but it is NOT a new energy source. In southern Appalachia,…

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The long term cost of COAL power VS. WIND power

Wind farm campaign for Coal River Mountain Residents of West Virginia’s Coal River Valley have launched an exciting new campaign to bring a wind farm to Coal River Mountain. Coal River Mountain is one of the last mountains left intact in the beautiful Coal River Valley of West Virginia. However, Massey Energy has plans to…

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Hawksnest Tunnel

The First Gauley Disaster By Bill Kovarik Seventy five years ago, the area where the Gauley River and the New Rivers meet became known as the site of America’s worst industrial tragedy. The same water power that today attracts recreational enthusiasts from over the world was, at the time, attracting the attention of hydroelectric engineers.…

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