Written by Sandra Diaz


Sandra Diaz

With Colombian roots, a Philadelphia, Pa.-childhood, and more than a decade in Florida before joining Appalachian Voices, Sandra served as AV's North Carolina campaign coordinator and driving force behind the Red, White & Water campaign from 2007 to 2013.

Despite Positive PR for Duke Energy, Our Water is Still at Risk

Don’t like what people are saying about you?…

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New NC DENR Boss Isn’t Sure About Global Warming

By Tabitha Lundsford Red, White and Water intern,…

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The Mayan Calendar Has Ended, And There is Still Coal Ash in the Tennessee River

So the world did not end today, as…

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No Longer Hidden in Plain Sight, Thanks to SoutheastCoalAsh.org!

For how large coal ash impoundments can be,…

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Happy 40th Birthday, Clean Water Act!

At Appalachian Voices, we strive to connect communities,…

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Half-Baked Coal Ash Bill: A Dangerous Proposition for Our Air and Water

Air and Water Protections are as American As…

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New Report Details How Duke Energy Can Save the Carolinas Billions

This is a repost from Greenpeace’s Quit Coal…

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Did A Steamed Bun Ask the White House To Label Coal Ash As Non-Hazardous?

Last week, we escaped another harrowing attempt by…

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Protect Families: Stop Toxic Coal Ash From Polluting the Federal Transportation Bill

West Virginia Rep. David McKinley is a man…

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Join Us for World Water Day Events and Kick Some Coal Ash

World Water Day is on Thursday, March 22….

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