Written by Molly Moore


Molly Moore

Molly is passionate about sharing the environmental and cultural stories of our region. She has worked with Appalachian Voices since 2011 and currently serves as AV's Director of Program Communications and Editor of The Appalachian Voice publication.

chart showing how Appalachian legislators voted

Environmental Votetracker — Dec. 2017 / Jan. 2018 issue

How Appalachian House and Senate members voted regarding several environmental issues in October and November.

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The Rules of the Solar Game

Nothing is more free than the sun and…

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Diana canoeing

Member Spotlight: Diana Withen

Diana Withen is a teacher, leader and environmental advocate in Southwest Virginia, where she is also regularly distributes The Appalachian Voice.

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Harnessing Solar Harnessing Solar In Appalachia College Solar…

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Jamie’s test morestories box

Harnessing Solar Harnessing Solar In Appalachia College Solar…

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Chart showing legislators' votes

Environmental Votetracker — Oct/Nov 2017 issue

How Appalachian House and Senate members voted regarding several environmental issues in August and September.

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Lucy and Rich Henighan

Member Spotlight: Lucy and Rich Henighan

Lucy and Rich Henighan — Appalachian Voices members since 1999 — are making a difference in East Tennessee.

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chart of legislators' votes

Environmental Votetracker — Aug/Sept 2017 issue

How Appalachian House and Senate members voted regarding several environmental issues in June and July

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chart showing how Appalachian representatives voted

Environmental Votetracker — June/July 2017 issue

How Appalachian House and Senate members voted regarding several environmental issues in April and May.

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Virginia Takes Lead in Efforts to Reduce Carbon

Gov. Terry McAuliffe has directed the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to begin developing a plan to reduce the carbon emissions from the state’s electricity sector.

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