Written by AV's Intern Team


AV's Intern Team

Every year, Appalachian Voices is fortunate to assemble a phenomenal team of rockstar interns from numerous Appalachian and East Coast universities. Enjoy these posts from our interns.

Appalachian States Reconsider the Role of Coal Severance Taxes

By Brian Sewell Lawmakers in Central Appalachia are…

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Traditional Trout Hang on to Native Waters

By Molly Moore Although they only occupy about…

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Organizational Roundup

Teaming Up For Virginia Appalachian Voices’ Virginia campaign…

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The Ebb and Flow of Appalachia’s Game Species

By Davis Wax From the mythic, raccoon-crowned Daniel…

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Virginia Bill to Lift Uranium Mining Ban Withdrawn | Inspecting Fracking in Ohio

By Davis Wax On January 31, legislation to…

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Coal Report

Impoundment Safety Called Into Question Questions and criticism…

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At Long Last, A Safer School for Marsh Fork | Inside the Kudzu Bug

On Jan. 7, more than 200 students of…

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Vested Power: State-Level Legislative Agendas in 2013

By Brian Sewell, J.W. Randolph and Nathan Jenkins…

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The Conception of Wild Ideas: Scientists Confront Conservation Challenges of Our Times

This essay by Travis Belote, Greg Aplet, and…

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Membership Spotlight: Michael Elchinger

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