Written by AV's Intern Team


AV's Intern Team

Every year, Appalachian Voices is fortunate to assemble a phenomenal team of rockstar interns from numerous Appalachian and East Coast universities. Enjoy these posts from our interns.

Southeast Solar Updates

Catch up on regional solar news, from an experimental solar power plant to community solar initiatives to good and bad state policies.

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Entrepreneur Banks on the Sun

The contraption looks like a piece of a tanning bed, exposed on a rooftop, leaning toward the sun. But rather than emitting powerful UV rays, these tubes capture them and heat water in a process called solar thermal, harnessing the sun’s energy at a rate that is more than five times more effective than most photovoltaic solar panels.

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Exposed: Coal Combustion

Coal is currently the largest source of global…

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Exposed: Climate Change

Much of Appalachia is predicted to experience increased…

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Exposed: Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining

Nearly 650 mountaintop removal coal mining sites scar…

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Exposed: Pesticides

Whether in food, water or air, current research…

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Exposed: Fracking

The last decade has seen a rapid expansion…

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Counting Birds, A Holiday Tradition

By Kimber Ray Tens of thousands of birdwatchers…

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Ecotourism Rises Along with Hope for a Region’s Future

After enduring generations of the booms and busts of an economy almost entirely dependent on the coal industry, the residents of far southwest Virginia are beginning to take their economic future into their own hands by capitalizing on the mountainous region’s incredible natural beauty to promote ecotourism.

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Colossal Conifers: The Quest to Restore the Mighty Hemlock

Both central and southern Appalachia are teeming with life, but threats to their natural sanctity — coal mining, acid rain, climate change and invasive pest outbreaks, to name a few — threaten irreparable harm to these ancient mountain landscapes.

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