Written by Brian Sewell


Brian Sewell

Brian is an environmental news junkie concerned with our lagging energy policy and revealing the true cost of coal on our health, the environment and the climate. He is Appalachian Voices' Director of Strategic Advancement.

A Hearty Thanks to Our Selfless Summer Interns

While we are fortunate each season to gather…

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Organizational Roundup

Making Music to Support Mountaintops This August 24-26,…

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What’s Our Water Really Worth?

As our most precious natural resource, clean drinking…

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Witnessing the Transformative Power of Water

By Ryan Robinson In May I spent three…

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Celebrating the Past, Working for the Future

I have only seen a bald eagle in…

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Reflecting on Gainesville Loves Mountains

————————————————————————————————————————————– We’re happy to share this guest blog…

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Rebranding Bank of America’s Responsibility

————————————————————————————————————————————– Join us in Charlotte on May 9…

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The EPA’s New Carbon Rule, Getting Serious About Climate Change

So we’re a little late to the punch…

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Close Calls as Congress Defeats Rollbacks to EPA Boiler Rule and Speed-up of Keystone XL Pipeline

Get ready, because a hostile hive of lobbyists…

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Subcommittee Hearing A “Dog and Pony Show” With Your Ringmaster, Rep. Bill Johnson

I’ll admit, this morning’s Subcommittee on Energy and…

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