Issue 3: June/July 2012


This Is Our Land

Other Top Stories From Issue 3: June/July 2012

HIDDEN TREASURES #2 — Public Lands

Stories by Madison Hinshaw, Jillian Randel, Jamie Goodman and Molly Moore Welcome to part two in our…

Plundering Private Property Rights

By Paige Campbell Half a dozen generations ago, when a coal-mining boom first enticed southwest Virginians to…

Larry Trivette Superintendent, Elk Knob State Park, N.C.

Guardians of our Public Lands

The employees of our state parks, national agencies and conservation organizations are committed to preserving the land…

Last Stand for the Southern Spruce-Fir?

Ancient Mountaintop Species Are Most Vulnerable As Appalachia Warms By Molly Moore At the nonprofit park atop…

Rooted: The Evolution of America’s Conservation Movement

“Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit.” Edward Abbey, The “Thoreau of…

Issue 3: June/July 2012 - Columns

The White Squirrel Hiking Challenge

Editor’s Note: We have long featured our region’s…

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American Chestnut: Return of the Forest King?

By Molly Moore When Daniel Boone traveled through…

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