Monthly Archives: February 2013

Virginia environmental attorney, activist takes helm of Appalachian Voices

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Cat McCue, Communications Director 434-293-6373, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Charlottesville, Va. – Tom Cormons, who established the Virginia office of Appalachian

President Obama Focuses on Energy Jobs

Climate, Energy, Efficiency Feature as Key Pieces of SOTU The first “State of the Union” address of President Obama’s second term had a little something for everybody. The President was aggressive about the need to tackle the problem of climate


A Fond Farewell for a Fantastic Leader

In October of 2008, I met an extraordinary person at the Appalachian Voices headquarters in Boone, N.C. She’d been hired as an organizational consultant, and I was a new member of the board. It was immediately clear that Willa Mays


North Carolina’s Appalachian Representatives

Virginia Foxx (NC-5) Representing northwestern North Carolina, Congresswoman Foxx was elected to the House after serving 10 years in the state Senate. She is a conservative and advocates reducing the size of government wherever possible. Last year, she voted for


Appalachian States Reconsider the Role of Coal Severance Taxes

By Brian Sewell Lawmakers in Central Appalachia are seeking legislative solutions to counter declining severance tax revenue after decades of natural resource extraction. Although not all of the counties in coal-producing states in Appalachia have minable coal, they all benefit


Tennessee’s Appalachian Representatives

Phil Roe (TN-01) Congressman Roe represents a former pro-union district in upper East Tennessee which has been held by the Republican Party since 1881. There is no coal in his district, but he has said he believes that the United


Traditional Trout Hang on to Native Waters

By Molly Moore Although they only occupy about 25 percent of their historic range, southern brook trout are doing alright, says Jim Habera, a cold water fisheries biologist for the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. He has worked on every brook


Organizational Roundup

Teaming Up For Virginia Appalachian Voices’ Virginia campaign team partnered with Downstream Strategies to help in their research for a report that details how the coal industry is reaping huge benefits from the Commonwealth of Virginia each year. Released in


The Ebb and Flow of Appalachia’s Game Species

By Davis Wax From the mythic, raccoon-crowned Daniel Boone to the adventurous, tradition-minded hunter of today, hunting in Appalachia makes up a long and colored tale. Its most intriguing characters may be the game species themselves, each accentuating a pastime


Virginia Bill to Lift Uranium Mining Ban Withdrawn | Inspecting Fracking in Ohio

By Davis Wax On January 31, legislation to lift a 31-year old ban on uranium mining was withdrawn from the Virginia Senate floor before voting could commence that afternoon. The bill’s sponsor, Sen. John Watkins, removed the bill from the


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