Front Porch Blog
By Jessica Kennedy
Editorial assistant, Summer 2012
We’re in the nation’s capital for our 7th Annual Week in Washington! Most of us arrived last night, and we’re spending all day training to hit the ground running tomorrow. We’ll be lobbying Monday and Tuesday and having our Day of Action and group lobby on Wednesday. Even if you’re not here, we’d love to have your support… – check out our Facebook page or Tweet with the hashtag #StopMTR. To find out more about how you can participate in our Day of Action, visit our Week In Washington website.
After a subway ride and a quick breakfast, we discussed why we come to Washington every year then dove into a panel discussion with four concerned citizens who have been affected by mountaintop removal coal mining. Even in Washington, D.C., surrounded by tall buildings and flat land, the emotion – a range of sadness, grief and devastation – is evident. The people gathered here love mountains, and seeing those mountains torn apart is heartbreaking.
But the heartbreak is why we’re here. We’re here to end this crime. We’re here to stand up for the Appalachians whose homes, hearts, health and livelihoods have been torn from them.
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