Monthly Archives: October 2002

Appalachian Residents Want Forests Protected

People who live in the Southern Appalachians want their national forests protected, show recent surveys by the Southern Research Station (SRS) of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS). The surveys by the SRS Recreation, Wilderness and Demographic Trends Unit in Athens,

For Paddlers & Anglers, WVa.’s Elk River Offers Many Faces

West Virginia’s Elk River is a priceless treasure. From its headwaters of frigid, ground-fed springs in Pocahontas County, to its mouth at Charleston, West Virginia’s capital, the Elk transforms itself several times. At 180 miles long, the Elk is the

The Spooky, Eerie Nature Of Witch Hazel Bushes

The witch hazel tree is one of the strangest plants native to the Southern Appalachians. It blooms around Halloween and “spits” its seed with a startling pop. Its gnarled and misshapen limbs confirm that the tree is appropriately named. It

New Report Ranks Most-Polluted National Parks

A report released in September by three conservation groups shows that air in national parks is more polluted than that of many urban areas. Code Red: America’s Five Most Polluted National Parks, produced by Appalachian Voices, the National Parks Conservation

Right-Wing Judge Appointments Threaten Environment

The fate of many crucial and long-standing environmental issues may end up decided by President George Bush’s appointees to the federal trial and appellate courts, instead of our elected politicians. Having failed in their attempt to gut such popular environmental

Struggle for Sustainability

images/voice_uploads/sorghum.gif “When Good Plans Go Bad” could be the headline for the Robbins family’s experience in Rutherford County, North Carolina. Their story is one of sustainability looking for a place to happen, but stymied, not only by the allied forces

Virginia Officials Butt Heads Over Kentucky Elk

Hunters who kill elk in Buchannan County, Va., during legal hunting season this year may or may not go to jail. It all depends on who wins an argument between the Buchannan County Board of Supervisors and the Virginia Department

Migrating Hawks Ride Autumn’s Winds Southward

images/voice_uploads/peregrine.gif Fall mornings are cold on the razor-edged ridge of Peters Mountain in West Virginia. After trudging up a short, steep ribbon of the Allegheny Trail, the wind scrapes across rocks and exposed skin, stealing the sweat and the heat

Elisha Mitchell And The East’s Highest Mountain

images/voice_uploads/elisha.gif According to a relief map that hangs near my writing desk, the University of North Carolina stands roughly 180 miles from the East’s highest peak. But today, as I battle morning commuters in a frantic search for downtown parking,

With Mast Down, Scout Early & Often For Whitetail

Forester Ray Boggs would like to find some ginseng behind his house, but all he sees is deer sign. That’s fine with him. This fall is special for Boggs, who has worked with the state forestry department for three decades.

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