Blog Archives

SCC approves first biogas project under new law

Press Release from Appalachian Voices and the Southern Environmental Law Center For Immediate Release January 24, 2023 Contacts Peter Anderson, Appalachian Voices, 434-293-6373 or Tasha Durrett, SELC Communications, 434-977-4090 or CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Virginia’s State Corporation Commission (SCC)


North Carolina Issues General Biogas Permit

On July 1, the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality issued a general permit for biogas digesters that convert animal waste into methane for energy production, as required by the N.C. 2021 Farm Act.


Align RNG Settlement Spotlights Biogas Plant Regulation

After the first settlement of its kind in North Carolina capping limits on emissions from a biogas plant in Sampson County, environmental advocates hope the agreement sets the stage for stricter statewide regulation of the processing of animal waste from concentrated feeding operations into fuel or biogas.


Good and bad bills in NC legislature

It’s spring, which means the bills coming into the North Carolina legislature are about as thick as the pollen in the air here. Our NC Field Coordinator Josh McClenney gives us a quick preview of the 2021 session.


Duke U Delays Gas Plant, Considers Hog Waste

Duke University indefinitely delayed construction of a plant that would have run on natural gas and is exploring biogas captured from hog farm waste.


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