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FERC faces another legal challenge over Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Charlottesville, VA— The Southern Environmental Law Center and Appalachian Mountain Advocates filed a challenge in federal court on behalf of 11 conservation groups, including Appalachian Voices, challenging the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s decision to permit the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. “FERC


Coalition sues Va. water board over Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Richmond, VA –A coalition of community and conservation groups, including Appalachian Voices, late yesterday filed a legal challenge in federal court of the Virginia State Water Control Board’s approval in December of a water quality certification for the proposed Atlantic


Organizational Roundup

Teaming Up For Virginia Appalachian Voices’ Virginia campaign team partnered with Downstream Strategies to help in their research for a report that details how the coal industry is reaping huge benefits from the Commonwealth of Virginia each year. Released in


January Is Radon Awareness Month

By Matt Grimley 2013 is beginning with an invisible, odorless bang. January is National Radon Awareness Month, designed to draw attention to radon as a serious public health issue and, more importantly, to motivate Americans to take action and protect


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