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20,000 Clean Water Act Violations equals attack of the lawsuit!

Yesterday’s press release made its rounds quickly as our WaterWatch team here at Appalachian Voices announced its legal action against three coal mining companies for violations (and violations… and violations…) of the Clean Water Act. ICG (International Coal Group) has


Busting Big Coal-Legal Action Initiated Today

The WaterWatch team at Appalachian Voices has teamed up with organizations and legal groups to launch legal action against three coal mining companies for violations of the Clean Water Act. Unbelievable in this day and age, I thought, when my


Coal Ash Pond Failure in Wimington NC

Right here in North Carolina a coal ash pond at Progress Energy’s Sutton Plant near Wilmington was breached on Monday. Monday’s heavy rains may have been a factor in the failure, but there is another wave of heavy rains coming


Operation Medicine Cabinet-Drug Take Back Day Oct. 2

Do you have outdated or unused prescription drugs, over the counter medications, syringes or other medical supplies? Come drop them off at the sponsored take-back centers in Ashe and Watauga Counties on three different days this October. Any prescription or


Join the Watauga River Cleanup Saturday Sept. 25

Come out and join us this Saturday (September 25) to help clean up the Watauga River. Starting at 9am groups will be picking up trash from the Watauga River from Foscoe all the way to the Guy Ford Road Bridge,


Boone Town Council hears about Fish Kill and Coal-Tar Sealant Ban Tonight

Please join the Watauga Riverkeeper at the Boone Town Council Meeting this Tuesday (September 21) evening at 7:00 pm to show your support for a ban on coal tar based asphalt sealants. The Watauga Riverkeeper, Donna Lisenby will be giving


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