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New limits on power plant pollution aim to protect communities and the climate

Kingston Fossil Plant

Four rules finalized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency late last month will limit pollution from power plants — reducing climate-altering emissions, protecting the health of nearby communities and speeding the transition to renewable energy.


EPA Action to Prevent Power Plant Pollution

New EPA rules to regulate pollution from coal and gas power plants could have major impacts on public health and the environment.


Gov. Youngkin’s attempt to repeal RGGI administratively violates the law

At the heart of Youngkin’s effort is the question: Is the governor allowed to do this? The answer is no, and Appalachian Voices, along with a number of our partner organizations represented by the Southern Environmental Law Center, are going to court to enforce the law.


University of Virginia Begins Electric Cargo Bike Trial

The University of Virginia at Charlottesville started a pilot program in August to replace some of its maintenance vehicles with three-wheeled cargo e-bikes.


Drivers of Pollution

By W. Spencer King Nearly ninety percent of Americans drive to work everyday, the commute bookending the workday with traffic, red lights and monotony. Greenhouse gases contribute to climate change and smog, which are detrimental to both the environment and


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