Blog Archives

From the Rockies to Appalachia: Virginia can look to Colorado for electric co-op reform

rural power line

Undemocratic governance at Virginia’s electric cooperatives is a serious issue that has left co-op members across the state frustrated and ready for reform. Closed-door board meetings and unfair voting practices are two of the issues members hope to change in 2022.


Protecting our democracy in the face of violence means holding elected officials accountable

Every American and believer in democracy should be repulsed by the violent and seditious acts that occurred in the nation’s capital this week as the people’s elected representatives worked to finalize the lawful outcome of the presidential election.


Change on the horizon: Securing progress during the Biden administration

Securing progress for our region depends on our ability to remain committed to our shared values and to stand united as we advocate for a healthier, stronger, and more just future for Appalachia.


Democracy 24/7/365

Our democratic responsibility should not be confined just to voting on Election Day. We have opportunities throughout the year to participate; whether it’s speaking before our town council, meeting with our congressional representatives, writing a letter-to-the-editor, attending a rally or signing an online petition, each action represents a voice or idea that would otherwise not be heard.


The Dirty Money Dozen

According to both the Center for Responsive Politics and Oil Change International, contributions from oil, gas and other energy industries skyrocketed in the past five years, with the coal industry alone contributing more than $8 million in 2009-2010 — more


The Dirtiest Congress Money Could Buy

By Matt Wasson According to a report released at the end of 2011, the 112th Congress had achieved, in just its first year, the dubious distinction of running the most anti-environmental legislative session in history. The report, conducted by Representatives


The “Art” of Influence: A Story of Strategy in the Post-Citizens United Political Terrain

By Brian Sewell On March 15, when a campaign called N.C. Real Solutions launched, it came with a 30 second television spot aimed at North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue. The ad claimed that the new state legislature’s budget, which Perdue


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