Democracy 24/7/365

Our democratic responsibility should not be confined just to voting on Election Day. We have opportunities throughout the year to participate; whether it’s speaking before our town council, meeting with our congressional representatives, writing a letter-to-the-editor, attending a rally or signing an online petition, each action represents a voice or idea that would otherwise not be heard.

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The Dirty Money Dozen

According to both the Center for Responsive Politics and Oil Change International, contributions from oil, gas and other energy industries skyrocketed in the past five years, with the coal industry alone contributing more than $8 million in 2009-2010 — more than twice what the industry had contributed in any previous election cycle. And during 2011,…

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The Dirtiest Congress Money Could Buy

By Matt Wasson According to a report released at the end of 2011, the 112th Congress had achieved, in just its first year, the dubious distinction of running the most anti-environmental legislative session in history. The report, conducted by Representatives Henry Waxman, Edward Markey and Howard Berman, showed that, in 2011, the House voted 191…

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