Counteracting Coal’s Dirty Tricks

dirty_stream2Last month, we acted quickly to undermine H.R. 2824, a pro-mountaintop removal bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. While we never expected to prevent the bill from passing the anti-environmental House, our efforts helped to make the perils of mountaintop removal the message of the day.

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U.S. Supreme Court Rules on the “Sequel to Citizens United”

Us_supreme_court_sealIf you weren’t recently rescued from a deserted island, you’re probably aware that money in politics holds sway over every issue imaginable. So anyone passionate about, well, anything really, should take note of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling today on McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, a case that’s being called “the sequel to Citizens United.”

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Pro-Mountaintop Removal Bill Headed to House Floor

congress It’s hard to get a good bill all the way through the legislative process to receive a vote on the House floor. Apparently it’s much easier to get a bad bill that far. H.R. 2824 — pro-mountaintop removal legislation that would weaken protections for Appalachian streams — is expected to head to the House floor for a full vote sometime next week.

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With Important Energy Efficiency Programs Intact, Farm Bill Awaits Obama’s Signature

The U.S. Senate sent the Farm Bill sent to President Obama for his signature this week, ending a 17-month standstill on the nearly $1 trillion bill. In addition to designating funding for farm subsidies, crop insurance, and nutritional programs, the bill contains exceedingly important programs to expand energy efficiency in rural communities across the country.

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Former Coal Regulator Shows How Little He Knows About Coal Regulation

More than 2,000 miles of Appalachian streams have been buried or poisoned by the valley fills associated with mountaintop removal mining. Yet, despite touting his credentials as a former coal regulator, Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) believes that current stream protections are sufficient and dumping mining waste into streams is illegal.

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Rep. Morgan Griffith Proudly Accomplishes Nothing

Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) introduced a new bill this week titled the “EPA Maximum Achievable Contraction of Technocrats Act,” or “EPA MACT Act.” The bill would require the EPA to layoff 15 percent of its employees. The title of the bill is a play on words, referring to EPA’s Utility MACT rule, which would drastically…

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The 5 Worst Political Lies in Support of Mountaintop Removal

Part 5 in a 5 part series Lie 5: Mountaintop removal mining is necessary for our nation’s energy security. While coal is in perpetual decline, more than one-third of America’s electricity still comes from the fossil fuel. It is on this premise that supporters of mountaintop removal stand when arguing that the practice is necessary…

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Tenn Tuesday! Spotlight on Shaheen-Portman Energy Savings Act

Making 120 Energy Efficiency Amendments SEXY… We’re going to do something a little different today by focusing on a specific piece of federal legislation currently before the U.S. Senate called the “Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act” (S 1392). This bipartisan bill, sponsored by Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Rob Portman (R-OH) is the first…

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