Reversing Climate Change Policies

President Trump signed an executive order reversing much of the progress President Obama made towards addressing the realities of climate change. The order calls for the Environmental Protection Agency to overturn the Clean Power Plan, but it will do little to revive the struggling coal industry.

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Virginians challenge Gov. McAuliffe on energy policy, climate

Grassroots Alliance Calls for a ‘March on the Mansion’ in July to Demand Clean Power Contact: Kelly Trout, Chesapeake Climate Action Network, 240-396-2022, Amanda Pohl, Virginia Organizing, 804-337-1912, Cat McCue, Appalachian Voices, 434-293-6373, RICHMOND, Va. – An unprecedented alliance of groups and leaders released an open letter to Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe…

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The Path of Most Resistance

Some of the region’s state legislatures and largest utilities have been working to restrict access to solar power and energy efficiency. But clean energy advocates are pushing back.

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A power play for Virginia’s power plan

Citizens signal their support for clean energy at a recent meeting of the Dept. of Environmental Quality's Clean Power Plan stakeholders group,

The shift to a clean energy economy in Virginia faces many obstacles — extreme mining, extreme drilling, and apparently extreme legislating. The General Assembly, after failing during session to wrest authority from the governor over the state’s compliance with the Clean Power Plan, used a budgetary ploy after session that handicaps the administration’s efforts.

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