
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia


It’s the Senate’s turn to pass the RECLAIM Act

Advocates for mine cleanup and economic development in Appalachia are calling on the U.S. Senate to pass the RECLAIM Act and AML Reauthorization after the two bills passed the U.S. House in early July.

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VICTORY! The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is cancelled!

In a historic win for environmental justice, the 600-mile, massive fracked-gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline project has been cancelled.

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Promoting equity in the transition to clean energy

A new report examines the economic, social and health disparities associated with energy development, and highlights promising points of intervention to reduce inequities in the transition to clean energy.

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The Supreme Court rules, but ACP fight far from over

The proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline still lacks more than half a dozen key permits and faces fierce policy and economic headwinds. The fight to stop it is far from over.

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hanover recreation project before and after

Restoring Appalachia through outdoor recreation

The Reclaiming Appalachia Coalition held a webinar in May in which regional organizations including Appalachian Voices spoke on innovative mine reclamation work being done to turn coal-impacted lands into outdoor recreation hot spots.

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