
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia


Good and bad bills in NC legislature

It’s spring, which means the bills coming into the North Carolina legislature are about as thick as the pollen in the air here. Our NC Field Coordinator Josh McClenney gives us a quick preview of the 2021 session.

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FERC setting up an “Office of Public Participation.” After 40 years.

Congress told FERC 40 years ago to start an “Office of Public Participation.” The agency is finally doing it — after decades of approving dirty-gas pipelines all across the country.

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chart shows how MSHA allows twice as much silica dust exposure as other agencies

Tighter silica rules needed to protect miners from black lung disease

Coal miners are legally allowed to be exposed to twice as much dangerous silica dust as any other worker. That needs to change.

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Biden’s jobs plan holds promise for Appalachia

As an organization that cares deeply about the people, land and water of our region, we find much to applaud in the White House’s American Jobs Plan. Read about what the plan entails and hear from us and partners about what this plan could mean for Appalachia.

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Building community power for economic transition in the coalfields

The New Economy Network of Southwest Virginia continues to progress local conversations to bring positive change to the region.

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