
Front Porch Blog

Updates from Appalachia


Kentucky court sides with citizens and environment

Last week, Appalachian Voices and our partners won a major victory in the Kentucky courts when a judge overturned two slap-on-the-wrist settlements that the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet had reached with Frasure Creek Mining a few years ago.

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DENR deserves an environmental leader to replace John Skvarla

johnSkvarlaLargeAfter a tumultuous two years as secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, John Skvarla is stepping over to lead the state’s Commerce Department. No word from Gov. Pat McCrory on who will replace Skvarla yet, but here’s to hoping his successor is the environmental leader DENR deserves and North Carolina desperately needs.

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Virginia utilities expand their menus with new energy-saving offerings

EENPODAdvocates for energy efficiency often call it “the first fuel,” and Virginia is now creeping ahead toward gains in this lowest-cost power source. The state’s largest utilities are promoting new programs to help their customers invest in energy-saving home improvements, which can help Virginians save money while reducing energy consumption and pollution.

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Why do you care?

WSJ_KaraWhether you’re two days or 20 years deep in environmental or social justice organizing, we all ask ourselves the same question day in and day out: why do I care? Rhiannon Fionn, creator of Coal Ash Chronicles, brings the “Why I Care” video series to the social media scene in the spirit of story-sharing, collaboration, power building and advocacy. Watch a few videos and share your own story.

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From Southwest Virginia, a path for less pollution

kathyKathy Selvage comes from a long line of coal miners in southwest Virginia. She’s proud of her heritage, yet is a passionate advocate for moving Appalachia away from fossil fuels and toward clean energy.

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