The Energy Report
Biden Admin Finalizes Silica Rule Update
A new federal rule would cut miners’ exposure to silica dust, but miners and their advocates have concerns about whether industry will follow the new rule under the current enforcement mechanisms.
Read MoreReducing Methane Emissions from Wells Could Create Tens of Thousands of Jobs
Decommissioning unplugged oil and gas wells and reducing emissions at operating wells in accordance with new federal guidelines would create tens of thousands of jobs across four states, according to a recent report.
Read MoreTVA Moves Forward with Kingston Gas Plant
Ignoring EPA concerns and calls from lawmakers for more transparency, Tennessee Valley Authority moved forward with plans to convert the Kingston Fossil Plant from coal to methane.
Read MoreEPA Action to Prevent Power Plant Pollution
New EPA rules to regulate pollution from coal and gas power plants could have major impacts on public health and the environment.
Read MoreOpposition to Proposed Prison on Mine
Environmental risks and negative social, economic and mental-health impacts to prisoners and communities are among the concerns voiced over a plan to build a prison on top of a former mine.
Read MoreMountain Valley Pipeline Construction and Lawsuits Advance
Litigation around the controversial 303-mile Mountain Valley Pipeline continues.
Read MoreProposed Regional Hydrogen Energy Hubs Raise Concerns
Two consortiums of power companies and other businesses are seeking federal funding for proposed regional hydrogen energy hubs. Most hydrogen energy production processes produce climate-altering emissions.
Read MoreYears After Atlantic Coast Pipeline Cancellation, Easements Remain
Residents continue to fight for the return of their land, which was seized for pipeline easements by the Atlantic Coast Pipeline beginning in 2014.
Read MoreEPA Seeks Update to Coal Ash Cleanup Requirements
A proposed new rule for coal ash cleanup aims to protect the communities and the environment.
Read MoreSolar Fund Boosts Renewable Energy Projects
The Appalachian Solar Finance Fund has supported 32 new projects since its launch in November 2021.
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