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The Appalachian Voice

Challenges Remain For Mountain Valley Pipeline

Mountain Valley Pipeline pipes litter the ground along the pipeline in front of a Virginia home.

In 2022 and 2023, opponents of the Mountain Valley Pipeline have witnessed a number of victories and setbacks.


Special Sections Along the Appalachian Trail

A waterfall cascades over rocks down a forested hillside.

We asked folks which sections of the Appalachian Trail are their favorites, and here’s what we found!


Chasing the Light of Bioluminescence

Bright yellow, green and blue squiggles of lightweave through a dark, forest floor.

Something enchanting lives in Appalachia’s forests. From green glows to bright sparks, bioluminescent lights glow in the summer nights.


Indigenous Couple Fights For Social And Environmental Justice

A crowd of Indigenous people, some dressed in traditional clothing or carrying banners, walk along a road behind a woman carrying a vessel of water.

The nonprofit organization 7 Directions of Service is working to protect the rights of people and nature.


REAP Benefits Farmers, Small Businesses and the Climate

An aerial photo looks down on a white, rectangular building with solar panels on its rooftop. A pink sign on the side of the building bears the name Annie's Frugal Finery.

Farmers and small businesses are reaping clean energy and cost-saving benefits from the Rural Energy for America Program.


Woman Says Pipeline ‘Wrecked’ Farm

A woman with short, graying hair wearing pants and a long, green jacket stands in a pasture with fields and rolling hills behind her.

Construction for the Mountain Valley Pipeline damaged Karolyn Givens’ farm, and she says neither the state of Virginia nor the company have been able to repair the land and water.


Mine Cleanup Concerns Grow As Industry Declines

This aerial satellite photo looks down on a fissured earthen dam.

The decline of the coal industry is exacerbating failures of the current federal system to ensure that mines are cleaned up.


Proposed Regional Hydrogen Energy Hubs Raise Concerns

Two consortiums of power companies and other businesses are seeking federal funding for proposed regional hydrogen energy hubs. Most hydrogen energy production processes produce climate-altering emissions.


Years After Atlantic Coast Pipeline Cancellation, Easements Remain

Residents continue to fight for the return of their land, which was seized for pipeline easements by the Atlantic Coast Pipeline beginning in 2014.


New Draft Safety Standard for Exposure to Silica Dust

A man in a black t-shirt speaks at a podium behind a sign depicting a skeleton wearing a miner's hat that says in black lettering. A banner that says Black Lung Association is draped over a table behind him and a statue of a miner rises above them in the background.

The Mine Safety and Health Administration’s proposed new regulations would reduce worker exposure to silica dust, but advocates say better enforcement measures are needed.


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