Written by Contributing Writers


Contributing Writers

Two men stand on a gravel road outdoors next to a truck and another man crouched next to white buckets.

Contaminants Found in East Tennessee Springs

Springs are often assumed to be a safe, clean source of drinking water. But they can harbor a number of health hazards, as new research published in the journal Geosciences shows.

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three smiling people and a dog in a greenhouse

Native Plant Rescue Squad Aims to Boost the Biodiversity of Tennessee Neighborhoods

By saving native plants from destruction and helping these plants find new homes, the Native Plant Rescue Squad is “helping reconnect people to themselves through the natural world.”

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Two young snorkelers exploring a shallow river.

Snorkelers Explore Appalachia’s Diverse Freshwater Life

The rivers and streams of southern Appalachia attract snorkelers with their wide variety of species and beautiful sites.

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two people in front of a large guitar statue hold signs about the landfill problems

Virginia Agency Orders Bristol to Address Polluting Landfill

Residents are hopeful after the Bristol Virginia City Council responds to the state Department of Environmental Quality’s order to address landfill concerns.

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A series of photographs of various bear, deer and elk roaming in the wild.

Safe Passage: The I-40 Pigeon River Gorge Wildlife Crossing Project

A collaborative effort to make the Pigeon River Gorge section of I-40 safer for wildlife and humans is yielding results.

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A gray and green fish carries a stone in its moth, surrounded by smaller red fish

Chubs: A key species and a mystery

Snorkelers helped to uncover a population of river chubs in an unusual location.

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The University of North Georgia Appalachian Studies Center’s signature project, the Saving Appalachian Gardens and Stories, is a demonstration garden for heirloom seeds and an oral history collection. Photo courtesy Rosann Kent.

Cultivating Communities Through Seed Saving

Seed saving allows gardeners and farmers to explore new varieties of the plants they grow while forming communities around the practice.

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Researchers Discuss How Climate Change Impacts Health in Rural Mountain Communities

Researchers discussed how climate change will impact health in rural mountain communities during a recent workshop. Spoiler alert: hotter nights, more mosquito- and tick-borne disease, and effects on mental and maternal health.

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two people in front of a large guitar statue hold signs about the landfill problems

The Beast of Bristol: The Landfill Haunting Residents of the Twin Cities

Terrible, persistent smells from the Bristol landfill have put a damper on quality of life for residents of the Twin Cities. Officials acknowledge the problem, but there’s no clear path forward.

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A green salamander peeks its head outside its rocky winter retreat.

Surviving Winter as a Salamander in Appalachia

What do salamanders do when the air turns frigid? UVA-Wise professor Walter Smith has been observing a particular green salamander for 8 years, and shares some of the species’ survival strategies.

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