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The Appalachian Voice

‘Every Stick:’ SWVA Biochar Uses Local Waste to Create Quality Soil

A man points to a machine while speaking.

A Southwest Virginia company’s biochar product is carbon-negative and has applications in agriculture.


Why Appalachia’s Spotted Skunk is so Rare

A spotted skunk does a handstand.

The eastern spotted skunk was not always as rare as it is today. Find out what researcher Emily Thorne has learned about this master of malodor.


New Effort to Reduce ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Drinking Water

The Environmental Protection Agency set stricter limits on the levels of certain PFAS chemicals in drinking water and is providing funding to test and treat public water systems and private wells.


Study Predicts Five-fold Increase in Regional Wildfires

A recent study warns of a dramatic increase in the amount of land burned by wildfires in southern Appalachian forests, and provides information for fire and land management strategies.


Pisgah View, North Carolina’s Newest State Park, Moves Forward

A 1,300-acre land acquisition advances North Carolina’s newest state park to the master planning stage.


How Max Patch Bald is Finally Healing

A couple sits atop the grassy summit of Max Patch, taking in the views under a beautiful blue sky dotted with white cumulous clouds.

After overuse forced the closure of Max Patch Bald, efforts by the U.S. Forestry Service and trail groups to restore the area show dramatic progress.


Endangered Tiny Tarantula Faces Habitat Loss

An endangered, tiny tarantula living in moss in the Appalachian Mountains is losing more of its habitat.


10 New Spider Species Discovered in Appalachia

A tan spider with dark markings on its back pulling a large, white egg sac behind it, is seen from a side angle

Researchers have discovered 10 new spider species that have adapted to the subterranean habitat of Appalachian caves.


Activists Rally Over Pending Fracking on Ohio’s State Lands

Fracking rig

A governor-appointed commission could begin approving fracking leases on Ohio’s state lands as early as next month. A rally to oppose the leases will be held Friday, Oct. 27 at noon at the Ohio Statehouse.


Bewitched Botany

Dried stalks and seed pods stand out against trees and a blue sky mottled by clouds.

Discover the sinister beauty of four toxic plants that call the mystical Appalachian Mountains home: pokeweed, dolls’ eyes, climbing nightshade and jimsonweed.


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