Researchers to introduce genetically engineered trees

Research have deciphered for the first time the genetic code of a tree, which could lead to new varieties betting at producing wood, paper and fuel, AP, said in a report. Currently, the black cottonwood is still considered “wild,” even though its grown for lumber and pulp. Fifteen years from now, fully domesticated varieties of…

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Zogby just did a new poll of 15 competitive House races This was one of them… North Carolina 11 Charles Taylor (R) 40 Heath Shuler (D) 51

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Roadless, once again

By reinstating the forest Roadless Rule, the judiciary brings forest policy in line with public sentiment once more. [ Washington , DC ] Conservationists haven ‘ t had much good news to celebrate in the past few years, but last week they were given a reason to cheer when a federal judge reinstated the Forest…

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Appalachian MTR Panel

Taken by Bob Swenson at last week’s MTR Panel From Kris: In the pic, left to right: 1) Paula Bradshaw, Illinois Green Party (her husband Rich Whitney is running for Governor on the state’s first Green Party statewide slate; the party has been effectively locked out of any debates, not that those events generally involve…

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New longleaf forests to sprout from grants

[ South Carolina ] Longleaf pine, the centuries-old native of the coastal forest, is getting new life. As many as 21,000 new acres could be planted in South Carolina with a new rounds of federal grants. The Conservation Reserve Program grants provide a $100 sign-up bonus, 90 percent of planting costs and an annual payment,…

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On September 29th, the seven permanent members of EPA’s Clean Air Science Advisory Committee (“CASAC”) sent a scathing letter to EPA’s top dog, Stephen Johnson, condemning his decision to ignore CASAC’s recommendations concerning recent revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (“NAAQS”) for particulate matter (“PM”). Highlights of the letter attacking Johnson’s decision to…

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Sell-off talk prompts chills, thrills

[ South Carolina ] With roughly 145,000 acres of timberland in the tri-county area alone, MeadWestvaco ‘ s land holdings are larger than all the land inside the cities of Charleston and North Charleston combined. So when a top MeadWestvaco executive strongly suggested this week that the company might sell most or all of its…

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Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (OHVEC)

OHVEC The first place I go to look for news every morning is the website of the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, or OHVEC for short. Their work within the coalfields is second-to-none, their website and daily news links are indispensable parts of what we do here on this blog, and our collaborations have been resounding…

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(Hat-tip to MJS) And check out this short flash cartoon from the Sierra Club called “Mining Gone Wild“

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The Last Warm Day?

Linkes 10-02-06 I took this picture at Kayford Mountain, WV. You can learn more about Kayford at the National Memorial For the Mountains, so Ill spare you that. Just know that it was my first time to see MTR in person, and probably the most haunting day of my entire life. I was there with…

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