Ghost Hike to Cone Manor

By Joe Tennis It may be ambiguous, mind you – all this stuff about ghosts. And it might be only your imagination, you see – this idea that you can stare up into the night sky and see figures or shadows or just-plain-something in the windows of the Moses H. Cone Manor House. But maybe…

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Leading by Example

Solar Homes Tours Show People the Light Story and Photos by Sarah Vig It’s been said that the best way to lead is by example. The American Solar Energy Society has embraced this mantra with the sponsorship of a national solar homes tour. Over the first weekends in October, people all over the nation traveled…

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Montezuma’s Revenge

Mountain Electric Right-Of-Way Crews Spray Near Drinking Source, Cooperative Refuses Cleanup Story by Sam Calhoun, Associate Editor of High Country Press, Boone, NC – reprinted in part, courtesy of High Country Press “We are deeply concerned for the contamination of water that leads into the Toe River and for our grandchildren who play in this…

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Mountain Monday: Bush Attempts 11th Hour Steamroll of Appalachia

Two really important things in this week’s edition of Mountain Monday, and i hope you’ll read them both. 1) The Bush Administration is attempting to repeal the Stream Buffer Zone rule, a 1983 Reagan-era rule that creates a 100-foot protected area around streams that can not be disturbed by strip-mining. 2) Guest contributor Allen Johnson…

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First Time Visit To Southwest Virginia

I recently had the opportunity to get out of the office for awhile and explore the coalfields of Southwest Virginia. This particular region of Appalachia is stunningly beautiful. Steep mountains, deep fertile valleys, and enormous rock formations. Driving out of North Carolina I was amazed at how different the composition of the mountains were from…

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Mountain Monday: Kilowatt Ours is Coming to Town

Good morning mountaineers, Kilowatt Ours is simply the best documentary out there outlining how America can get ourselves off of fossil fuels and power this country with clean, green, renewable energy. With a focus on success stories like the Austin, TX conservation power plant, Barrie gives us easy to digest answers using technology and techniques…

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The North Carolina Division of Air Quality (DAQ) has announced its intent to issue and air pollution

The North Carolina Division of Air Quality (DAQ) has announced its intent to issue and air pollution permit to Duke Energy for its proposed Cliffside power plant. The last thing North Carolina needs is another filthy coal fired power plant. Pollution from the Cliffside Plant damages our health, the environment and is a significant contributor…

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Take Action Against Duke Energy’s Cliffside Power Plant

The North Carolina Division of Air Quality (DAQ) has announced its intent to issue and air pollution permit to Duke Energy for its proposed Cliffside power plant. The last thing North Carolina needs is another filthy coal fired power plant. Pollution from the Cliffside Plant damages our health, the environment and is a significant contributor…

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