Mountaintop Removal Reaches the Senate

The following email was sent to the 36,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here. Dear Mountain Lover, Last week, the Senate held its first hearing on mountaintop removal coal mining and the Appalachia Restoration Act (S 696) — and an overflow crowd of activists and coalfield residents turned…

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Protect and Restore the Pisgah National Forest!

From our friends at Wild South, please contact the Forest Service to help protect the national treasure that is the Pisgah: Protect and Restore the Pisgah National Forest! The Forest Service has released plans to log 1800 acres of the Pisgah National Forest in the Brushy Ridge area. This area located near the North Mill…

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72 mile record-setting run to end mountaintop removal!

This is just amazing!!!! Frankly, we are speechless. While we waited in the halls of Congress for a Senate hearing to begin, our friend Will Harlan ran 72 miles along the TN-NC border to raise awareness! Thanks so much for your support, Will! On June 25th, I completed a 72-mile, end-to-end run across Great Smoky…

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A day to shine on Capitol Hill

News coverage of yesterdays Senate hearing on mountaintop removal coal mining: The best headline thus far was printed before the hearing even started: Washington City Paper – Mountaintop Coal Mining Face Off Starts Now! As always, Ken Ward’s Coal Tattoo blog provided the most comprehensive coverage and analysis: Mountaintop Removal: Jobs vs. Mayflies? NOT Here’s…

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News for the Marsh Fork Elementary School Rally of June 23rd, 2009

On Tuesday, June 23, a team from Appalachian Voices joined hundreds of people gathered at an anti-mountaintop removal coal mining rally at Marsh Fork Elementary School in West Virginia to protest the continuation of the destructive practice. The local and regional residents were joined by NASA climatologist James Hansen, who spoke about the contributions of…

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Supreme Court Ruling Has Implications for Mountaintop Removal

This just in. Rob Perks of NRDC provides commentary on their blog, the Switchboard. It does not bode well that the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday ruled 6-3 in favor of treating America’s waterways like dumps.  Specifically, the Court decided that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers can legally permit the disposal of polluted wastewater from…

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A Backyard Vegetable Garden

Story by Kathleen McFadden Talk about a shovel-ready project! Federal legislators may not have had home gardens in mind when they crafted the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to provide funding for ready-to-go infrastructure projects, but First Lady Michelle Obama certainly did. Less than a month after the President signed the legislation, the First Lady…

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Volunteers Put New Trail On The Map

Story and photo by Sarah Vig The Mountains to Sea Trail is halfway home. With over 500 of its 1000 miles completed, the ambitious project is well on its way to spanning the entire length of the state of North Carolina. The Mountains to the Sea Trail (called the MST) owes its start, and continued…

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