Front Porch Blog
The following email was sent to the 36,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here.
Dear Mountain Lover,
Last week, the Senate held its first hearing on mountaintop removal coal mining and the Appalachia Restoration Act (S 696) — and an overflow crowd of activists and coalfield residents turned out to show their support for Senate action to end the destructive practice of mountaintop removal.
The Appalachian Restoration Act (S 696) is the Senate version of the Clean Water Protection Act, which would outlaw the dumping of mining waste into streams and undo the Bush administration’s 2002 gutting of the Clean Water Act.
The turnout for the hearing was incredible.
Nearly 200 people lined up for the hearing — so many that an overflow room in a nearby building was set up for those who couldn’t get inside the Senate chamber. We’re proud to say that supporters of the bill strongly outnumbered opponents.
Now, more than ever, it’s absolutely critical that the Senate knows that the public — including you — supports ending mountaintop removal coal mining.
Let your Senators know that you support the Appalachian Restoration Act. Please take a moment out of your day right now to call your Senators and urge them to support an end to mountaintop removal coal mining.
Last week’s hearing was a critical first step on the road to getting meaningful Senate action to end mountaintop removal coal mining.
Please, take a moment to let your Senators know that you support an end to the worst abuses of the coal mining industry.
Call your Senators now –
If you want to make an even bigger impact in the effort to pass the Clean Water Protection Act and the Appalachian Restoration Act, consider visiting your members of Congress in their local office when they return from DC during the August recess. We can guide you through the process to make your visit as easy and successful as possible.
For more information on visiting your members of Congress in August, click here.
Thank you for taking action.
Matt Wasson
P.S. – For a roundup of news stories on the hearing and links to additional photos, click here.
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