Astroturfing vs. Grassroots­—The Debate over Coal Continues

By Sandra Diaz Fake FACES, false FORCE, and astroturf lobbying. During the past two months, the coal industry was rocked by scandals that stemmed from backfired public relations campaigns. It started when ACCCE, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, hired Bonner and Associates to help influence Congress to vote against climate legislation. Bonner and…

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Public Hearings Discuss Duke Energy Rate Increase

By Julie Johnson Duke Energy customers and concerned citizens are challenging the North Carolina electric utilities provider over a proposed 18 percent rate increase. The utility provider is proposing a 13.5 percent increase for residential consumers to support the projected $1.8 billion costs of an 825 megawatt upgrade to the coal-fired Cliffside Steam Station in…

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Other Coal Related News

Environmental Groups Request Decision Review Earthjustice and the Appalachian Center for the Economy & the Environment filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court requesting a review of the recent Fourth Circuit court decision in a controversial mountaintop removal mining case. The lawsuit challenged the Corps’ violation of the Clean Water Act by authorizing permits…

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The Global Gym

By Maureen Halsema Playing outside is great for your physical and fiscal health, and it does not require a membership fee or have piles of sweaty towels and long lines for the ellipticals. This worldwide “gym” offers thousands of miles of trails to hike, rocks to climb and waters to paddle. Some of the greatest…

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Our finest hours

When the history of the 21st century is written, the most important question will be how – or even whether — we responded to the climate crisis.  As nations gather this fall in Copenhagen to consider a climate treaty, we Americans need to understand what is at stake.   First, it’s now settled that the…

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Ohio Citizen Action Birdogging for the Mountains!

Thank you so much to Ohio Citizen Action, who have been great allies on the fight to end mountaintop removal. They have been a great part of the reasons we were able to get several member of the Ohio delegation on board HR1310, the Clean Water Protection Act. They are working hard to get Senator…

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Two new cosponsors for the Clean Water Protection Act

Please welcome two new Congressmen who realize the importance of protecting our water and stopping mountaintop removal coal mining! Congressman Steve Driehaus is from the 1st District of Ohio and signed on as a cosponsor on October 1, 2009. Mary Rita Cooper and Robert Nienbar from Cincinnati went to visit the Congressman himself during the…

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Mountain Mysteries

Bigfoot, UFOs, and the Downright Paranormal In Appalachia By Joe Tennis In Larry Thacker’s world, UFOs have touched down in the Appalachian Mountains. And, there’s a mysterious Bigfoot creature roaming the dense woods of Tennessee. Thacker—the director of student success and retention at Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, Tenn.—is the author of the recently released…

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Letters to the Editor

Well Contamination Nightmare Dear Appalachian Voice:   Thank you for your extensive coverage of water quality in your most recent issue. It was excellent. I have been beating that drum ever since I discovered last April that the water supplying the house that I rent in Boone had e. coli in it. Through my landlord,…

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Bloodshed and Coercion in the Coalfields: From Colombia to Appalachia

Story by Sandra Diaz As I wrote in the last issue, I traveled along to the coalfields of northern Colombia in South America through the Witness for Peace program. Part of our trip was spent talking to Sintramienegetica union leaders, who represent Drummond Coal workers, based out of Birmingham, Alabama. Drummond Coal has been accused…

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