Written by Ridge Graham


Ridge Graham

A graduate of Appalachian State University with a B.S. in ecology and evolutionary biology, Ridge served as our AmeriCorps Outreach Associate from 2015-17 and is now on staff as the Field Coordinator for our North Carolina program.

Coal ash cleanup decision a huge victory for North Carolina!

On April 1, North Carolina announced its decision to require Duke Energy to fully excavate the six remaining coal ash sites across the state — a big victory in the year’s long fight against the energy utility’s negligence.

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southern cavefish

Fascinating Cave Creatures of Appalachia

Hidden underneath the majesty of the Appalachian mountains is a strange, enchanting cave ecosystem full of unusual creatures.

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Five years after Dan River: Coal ash in N.C.

The Dan River coal ash spill sparked a flurry of coal ash cleanup legislation, public hearings, community meetings and more across North Carolina. But where does coal ash stand in the state now?

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Al Gore, Rev. Barber tour coal-impacted communities in N.C.

The former vice president joined with the Poor People’s Campaign and others on a two-day tour to highlight the link between environmental injustice and poverty.

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Protect our communities. Stop the MVP Southgate fracked-gas pipeline

The developers behind the Mountain Valley Pipeline will host meetings on June 25-28 to get local feedback in some of the communities the 72-mile proposed MVP Southgate extension would traverse.

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Federal and N.C. coal ash rules under attack

As the state reviews changes to coal ash policy, EPA head Scott Pruitt is looking to help utilities’ bottom line by dramatically weakening federal safeguards on the toxic substance.

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Hold Duke Energy accountable for its illegal coal ash leaks

North Carolina environmental regulators have proposed an arrangement that requires Duke Energy to take some expedited clean-up steps at its Marshall, Allen and Cliffside coal ash ponds. But the proposal doesn’t go far enough. The N.C. DEQ needs to hear from you!

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1,000 days on bottled water

Last week marked the 1,000th day that hundreds of families in North Carolina have had to use nothing but bottled water for drinking, cooking and bathing because their well water is likely contaminated by one of Duke Energy’s leaking coal ash ponds.

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Neighbors angered by latest coal ash news about Duke Energy

The latest news over Duke Energy’s handling of the coal ash crisis in North Carolina has many impacted citizens worried – but perhaps not shocked at the utility’s ongoing duplicity on the issue.

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The fight against the Atlantic Coast Pipeline is not over

As expected, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission recently gave a glowing review to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, overlooking the threats to wetlands, forest, drinking waters and indigenous populations along the pipeline’s proposed route.

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