Written by Molly Moore


Molly Moore

Molly is passionate about sharing the environmental and cultural stories of our region. She has worked with Appalachian Voices since 2011 and currently serves as AV's Director of Program Communications and Editor of The Appalachian Voice publication.

Hidden Treasures #3 – Kentucky

Welcome to the third installment of our exploration…

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Evolution of a Cattle Farm

By Jessica Kennedy After nearly 30 years of…

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Clean Water Warrior: Lessons from the Front Lines

By Molly Moore For Rick Handshoe, the trouble…

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Changing Currents

Climate Change, Extreme Weather, and Our Relationship to…

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North Carolina Lawmakers Fumble Over Fracking Vote

By Brian Sewell After Gov. Bev Perdue vetoed…

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Recognizing Renewable Opportunities

Kentucky could realize 34 percent of its energy…

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Partnerships Protect Western North Carolina’s Rare Aquatic Ecosystems

By Brian Sewell Public and private groups working…

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Meet the Incredible Environmental Duo

Tom Cormons, Deputy Director of Programs and Director…

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Organizational Roundup

Coal Ash Debate Spills Into Transportation Bill Appalachian…

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Storming Capital Hill

On June 2, more than 150 people gathered…

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