Written by Molly Moore


Molly Moore

Molly is passionate about sharing the environmental and cultural stories of our region. She has worked with Appalachian Voices since 2011 and currently serves as AV's Director of Program Communications and Editor of The Appalachian Voice publication.

Industrial Hemp Offers Hope to Appalachia’s Farmers and Environment

Virginia farmers will soon be able to grow hemp for industrial purposes — albeit with restrictions. Industrial hemp farming is also being explored to varying degrees in Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina.

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Service, Music and Community at Appalachian South Folklife Center

The Appalachian South Folklife Center in southern West Virginia has weathered many storms over the past half century, yet continues to provide help to residents in need, education for youth, and a safe harbor for activists.

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States Consider Cuts to Mine Safety, Coal Taxes

Legislation in Kentucky, West Virginia and Virginia related to mine safety laws and coal taxation policies is showing how far Appalachian lawmakers will go in attempts to sustain the ailing industry.

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Bankrupt Coal Companies Dodge Liabilities and Distribute Bonuses

Three major U.S. coal companies have filed bankruptcy and are grappling with their liabilities to restore sites after mining and their obligations to employees, past and present.

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Controversy Shrouds Coal Ash Cleanup

In March, the N.C. Dept. of Environmental Quality held hearings across the state to solicit stakeholder comments on the cleanup plans for North Carolina’s 33 Duke Energy coal ash impoundments. The state also lifted do-not-drink warnings from households with contaminated wells near coal ash ponds.

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Environmental Votetracker — April/May 2016

See how Appalachian congressional representatives voted on several environmental issues during February and March 2016.

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Member Spotlight: Tracey Wright

Appalachian Voices Board Secretary Tracey Wright isn’t one to sit back and wait for change to happen — she strives to do all she can to advocate for environmental protection and inspire others to work for change.

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FloydFest: Celebrating Music and Mountains

For the second year in a row, Appalachian Voices and Floydfest are teaming up to encourage and promote stewardship of the Appalachian region, blending the joyous atmosphere of a music festival with opportunities to learn about environmental threats to the mountains and discover ways to get involved.

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Don Blankenship Sentenced and other news briefs

A former CEO of a coal mining company receives a historic criminal sentence, Atlantic Ocean spared from drilling, new study shows West Virginia is flatter due to mountaintop removal coal mining and other energy briefs.

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Coal Export Market Evaporates

In 2011, the nation’s three largest coal companies bet billions of dollars on future Chinese demand for steelmaking metallurgical coal, a primarily from Appalachia. When Chinese demand fell, so did the Appalachian coal export market.

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