Written by Matt Hepler


Matt Hepler

A Bath County, Va., native, Matt uses his backgrounds in geography, GIS mapping and hydrology to help protect Appalachian communities from coal mining pollution as a member of our Central Appalachian / End Mountaintop Removal team. He's also a fantastic square dance caller.

Tennessee enacts law halting efforts to take over surface mine regulation from federal government

On May 11, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee enacted a significant law that temporarily halts the state’s pursuit of primacy. Primacy refers to a state’s right to petition the federal government to become the primary authority in issuing surface mine permits and implementing associated regulations.

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man in green jacket stands in tall grass near small waterway flowing from two large pipes

Federal review of mining rule may speed up complaint process

An upcoming federal review of a mining rule could help speed up the process for coalfield residents who file federal complaints about state mining agencies.

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Online tool helps track status of mine ownership in aftermath of Blackjewel bankruptcy

The fate of thousands of acres of mines requiring tens of millions of dollars of reclamation was thrown into doubt when Blackjewel, Revelation Energy and affiliated mining operations filed for bankruptcy in July 2019.

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New Tennessee law is a giveaway for coal companies

A new Tennessee law that changes the way surface mining is regulated in the state will force Tennessee taxpayers to prop up the industry and make it easier for coal operators to walk away from mine reclamation.

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creek with unnatural blue hue

Court rules that coal mines need a permit for water pollution from valley fills

Good news for clean water! Despite a setback in appeals court, overall the Red River Coal Company court ruling will help communities fight back against pollution from mountaintop removal coal mines.

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Empty train cars along a mountain road

Covid’s impact on coal sharpens the pandemic’s economic hardships

Even before the pandemic, a growing number of coal companies were declaring bankruptcy — and now the decades-long decline of coal is in a nosedive. This will leave already-shortchanged coalfield communities even less money to deal with decades of damage to people’s health and the environment.

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flat gravel site with equipment

Delays, pollution and financial hurdles plague Blackjewel mines

Recent developments in the Blackjewel bankruptcy case raise more doubts about whether the serious reclamation problems at many of its coal sites will be properly addressed anytime soon.

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Justice family mines pose massive threat to Virginia reclamation fund

Satellite photos taken years apart reveal that little reclamation has taken place at several Virginia mines owned by the family of billionaire West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice.

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Reclamation 101

What is supposed to happen after a coal company finishes mining a site?

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Women stand by bright yellow creek

Citizen scientists uncover water quality violations in Kentucky national forest

Citizen scientists discovered that acid mine drainage is causing a creek in Kentucky’s Daniel Boone National Forest to flow a bright orange, and they spurred state regulators to issue citations to the mine operators. But mining company Revelation Energy is in bankruptcy, which leaves big questions about who will clean up the mess — and when.

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