Written by Cat McCue


Cat McCue

Although not native to the region, Cat feels deeply connected to the mountains, rivers, backroads and small towns of Appalachia she has come to know over the years. She is Appalachian Voices' Senior Communications and Public Engagement Strategist.

Va. City First Locality Nationwide to Support POWER+

Contact: Adam Wells, Economic Diversification Campaign Coordinator, Appalachian…

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A “golden opportunity” in disguise

AML reportIn 2013, federal funds derived from a per-ton fee on mined coal were distributed to Central Appalachia states for restoring abandoned mine lands. The result was $182 million in economic benefit and 1,317 jobs–plus cleaner streams, and a healthier future for nearby residents. A new report out shows how the federal program should be fixed to yield even better results, and sooner.

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Pope’s message on climate brings hope for change

Encyclical-PF-10“…for human beings to degrade the integrity of the earth by causing changes in its climate, by stripping the earth of its natural forests or destroying its wetlands; for human beings to contaminate the earth’s waters, its land, its air, and its life – these are sins.” Thus spake Pope Francis today in his “Laudato Si'” letter, the Vatican’s first encyclical on the environment. And it’s a doozy.

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Ky coal company violating federal water law, again

CONTACTS Erin Savage, Appalachian Voices, 828-262-1500, erin@appvoices.org Ted…

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Score one for the Clean Power Plan

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals today rebuked the first legal challenge to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to cut global-warming pollution from the nation’s power plants. In a straightforward ruling, the court said the states and the industry groups had no legal grounds to challenge EPA’s “Clean Power Plan” since it has yet to be finalized.

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Video Shows Rare View of Mountaintop Removal Mining

CONTACT: Cat McCue, Communications Director, (434) 293-6373; cat@appvoices.org…

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New map tracks growing threat of mountaintop removal

Contacts: Matt Wasson, Program Director, 828-262-1500, matt@appvoices.org Erin…

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Virginia environmental chief supporting weaker coal ash rule

Contact: Amy Adams, N.C. Campaign Coordinator, 828-262-1500, amy@appvoices.org…

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Groups Sue Kentucky Mining Company

Contacts: Eric Chance, Appalachian Voices, 828-262-1500, eric@appvoices.org Ted…

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Wise County, Va. resident joins Appalachian Voices staff

Contact: Cat McCue, Communications Director, 434-293-6373, cat@appvoices.org Adam…

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