Written by Appalachian Voices


Appalachian Voices

Ecosystems with Many Plant Species Produce More and Survive Threats Better

Ecosystems containing many different plant species are not…

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Poplar trees and grass may make fine gas for cars

[California] Poplar trees and switch grass are on…

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Stay Ahead of Forest Fires

[Georgia] The drought in Georgia has added to…

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Demonstrators protest against Victoria’s Secret

[Missouri] The environmental and religious activists claim Victoria’s…

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OSU backs forestry dean despite furor

[Oregon] A vote within Oregon State University’s College…

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High court to review antitrust case

Weyerhaeuser told to pay $78.8 million The U.S….

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We all depend on our forests

I am deeply concerned that today’s front page…

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The Possibility of Plantations…

Integrating Ecological Forestry into Plantation Systems, New National…

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New funds will protect endangered bird in S.C.

Group will restore woodpecker habitat [South Carolina] Landowners…

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The Blue Ridge Forest Cooperative…

Family Forest owners dedicated to landscape level restoration…

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