Written by Appalachian Voices

Appalachian Voices
Big Timber Influenced USDA Southern Forest Study
As the official public comment period closed last…
Green Groups: USFWS Ignoring Plight Of Warbler
A coalition of 28 national, regional and local…
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
images/voice_uploads/C.gif Consider the plight of the crayfish crossing…
Building a Ginseng Business In Harmony With Nature
images/voice_uploads/sangjar.gif The healing power of the woods, which…
New Survey: Northern Hardwoods Dying in WV, PA
images/voice_uploads/nitroplant.gif The northern hardwood forests of the Allegheny…
Celt Explorers in West Virginia’s Coalfields?
Just south of Oceana, in Wyoming County, West…
Magnolias and Firs: The John Fraser Connection
Range maps of firs and magnolias generally show…
VA’s Old Growth Falls Under Forest Service Axe
While many National Forests in the Southeast are…