Written by Appalachian Voices

Appalachian Voices
To Avoid Doing More Harm Than Good, Land Trusts Must Consider Market Forces
[Washington, DC] A new study shows that land…
Who Should Decide Land Use? U.S. Government Already Does
It is a truth almost universally acknowledged that…
“This is not just my Fight: it’s Appalachia’s Fight” – Larry Gibson
Citizens and friends of the West Virginia mountains…
Coal and timber companies on the defensive in West Virginia lawsuits
A set of bitter lawsuits has erupted around…
Beckley jury finds clearcutting, MTR mining caused flood damage
Mining and logging companies are responsible for flooding…
Time Honored Songs of the Coal Miner’s Struggle
Harlan County USA Rounder 11661-4026-2 Protest songs are…
John Muir’s visit to Grandfather Mountain
The Mountain that Hugh Morton found so fascinating…
Archeology Can Add Depth to Our Understanding of Blair Mountain
The following is an excerpt from a report…
National Trust lists Blair Mountain Among Most Endangered Places
This April, the National Trust for Historic Preservation…