Front Porch Blog
2010 is the year to end mountaintop removal coal mining- and how helpful would it be if we had a cool million to do it? JP Morgan Chase, one of the largest financiers of mountaintop removal coal mining, is sponsoring a community giving contest exclusively through Facebook. Wouldn’t it be great if we could win up to 1 million dollars to stop a horrendous practice that Chase itself was funding?
Already, over 700 people have cast their vote for Appalachian Voices, the creators of for the Alliance for Appalachia, a regional coalition of organizations working to end mountaintop removal. Thank you so much to all of you that have already voted!
If you haven’t voted yet, take five minutes today to let your voice be heard. The steps are simple:
1. Go to and allow the application access to your facebook profile.
2. Through the Chase Community Giving page, Search For Appalachian Voices (the direct link is
3. When you get to the page, you have to Become A Fan of the “Chase Giving Program” in order to vote. (You can always “unfan” later if you want)
4. Click on the VOTE button. Also post on your wall, and tweet it too!
You have 20 votes to cast for your favorite non-profit organizations, but you cannot vote more than once for the same group. With the 19 you have left after voting for Appalachian Voices, you can support other members of the Alliance for Appalachia!
Appalachian Citizens Law Center Inc
Keeper Of The Mountains Foundation
Thanks so much!
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