Monthly Archives: July 2009

Appalachian Voices’ Organizers Ensure Citizens’ Stake in Coal-fired Power Plant Decision

When Old Dominion Electric Cooperative (ODEC) decided that the small town of Dendron, Virginia, would be the future site of a 1500 megawatt, behemoth of a coal-fired power plant, they probably did not imagine that they would face a tremendous

New Report Shows Green Jobs are a Better Deal Than New Coal Plants

Read the new report here and see for more information. MORE THAN 8,000 NEW CLEAN ENERGY JOBS POSSIBLE IN KENTUCKY, ACCORDING TO NEW REPORT Investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy show higher job potential than in new coal

Coal slurry injection back before WVa lawmakers

As reported by the The Associated Press in the Huntington Herald-Dispatch: CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Dismissing a recent state study as inadequate, activists who oppose the underground injection of coal slurry told lawmakers Wednesay the practice should be banned outright

Mountaintop removal: Streamlined permits to stop – kinda

Ken Ward Jr. of the Charleston Gazette reports on his Coal Tattoo blog: Tomorrow’s edition of the Federal Register (available here by the magic of the Internet) will include this notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, making good

Utne Reader talks with authors of a new book about mountaintop removal

Sit down on a porch with someone from the American South and you’ll learn why the region is renowned for its storytelling tradition. In the book Something’s Rising: Appalachians Fighting Mountaintop Removal (University Press of Kentucky), authors Silas House and

Congressman Kennedy Compares Appalachian Movement to Civil Rights Organizing

Congressman Kennedy said these words earlier this year when speaking to a group of Appalachian citizens, and I hope we can all keep them close to heart: Unfortunately, we live in a culture that places a value on human beings

Commenting on New Nationwide Permit Policy

As many of you know, yesterday the Army Corps announced that they would be moving forward with suspending the Nationwide Permit 21(NWP 21) process for mountaintop removal and valleyfill operations for Appalachian states. Instead, the Army Corps will be using

The Declining Power of Coal

How much does a ton of coal weigh? It sounds like a funny question, but – if you’re burning coal for energy – all tons are not created equal. The value of coal comes not from the raw tonnage, but

Appalachian Voices Applauds NC’s Move Towards Wind Energy

Appalachian Voices applauds moving NC towards wind energy and supports action by the North Carolina Senate to pass Senate Bill 1068. The original version of this bill, developed by the hard work of the Wind Technical Advisory Group, attempted to

Coal Country Premieres

The latest documentary film to examine mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia, “Coal Country,” premiered Saturday, July 11 night to a standing-room-only crowd. While the event was mostly uneventful, during the screening there were boos and heckling from pro-mountaintop removal

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