Monthly Archives: March 2006

Easley Again Steps Up to Protect National Forests

From the NC Conservation Network North Carolina governor, Mike Easley, has filed a petition with the US Secretary of Agriculture to protect North Carolina National Forests from logging and road building. Governor Easley was the second governor in the country

Will Senator Burr Lift the Offshore Drilling Moratorium?

On March 16th, by a vote of 156-262, the House of Representatives voted to maintain the offshore drilling ban on the Atlantic Coast, Florida, The Gulf, and the Pacific coasts. The Presidential ban (which largely overlaps with a similar congressional

“New Source Review is awesome, necessary, and legal.” – US Supreme Court

New Source Review, a key provision of the Clean Air Act, will stay in place. This is a major defeat of the Bush Administration and its attempts to soften clean air laws for dirty industrial polluters in the midwest. Read

Senators Alexander (R-TN) and Dole (R-NC) oppose Bush sale of our National Forests

Many complaints against the national GOP, and especially Southern Senators, have been for their brutal policies regarding the environment. Time and time again we have seen them vote to give away our nation’s most beautiful and wild areas (Arctic Wildlife

The National Forest Firesale

I hope I never see the “Pisgah National mini-mall.” Our national forests are being rapidly put up for sale by timber companies who’ve realized that woods are worth more as real estate than as a source of lumber. A recent

Happy “World Water Day”

Today (3/22) is world water day In 1992, the UN General Assembly designated March 22 as “World Water Day” to draw international attention to the critical lack of clean, safe drinking water worldwide. It is a time when we are

EPA releases air quality report for 50 states

No Appalachian states in the top 5, though the Washington DC area is fourth. The Appalachian communinty has done amazing things in pulling its resources together and working to reduce pollution since then. In 2002, NC passed the “Clean Smokestacks

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